26 research outputs found

    A Steering Environment for Online Parallel Visualization of Legacy Parallel Simulations

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    International audienceIn the context of scientific computing, the computational steering consists in the coupling of numerical simulations with 3D visualization systems through the network. This allows scientists to monitor online the intermediate results of their computations in a more interactive way than the batch mode, and allows them to modify the simulation parameters on-the-fly. While most of existing computational steering environments support parallel simulations, they are often limited to sequential visualization systems. This may lead to an important bottleneck and increased rendering time. To achieve the required performance for online visualization, we have designed the EPSN framework, a computational steering environment that enables to interconnect legacy parallel simulations with parallel visualization systems. For this, we have introduced a redistribution algorithm for unstructured data, that is well adapted to the context of M × N computational steering. Then, we focus on the design of our parallel viewer and present some experimental results obtained with a particle-based simulation in astrophysics

    An optimized ïŹnite-element library: Akantu

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    Akantu means a little element in Kinyarwanda, a Bantu language. From now on it is also an opensource object-oriented library which has the ambition to be generic and efficient

    Specification of a micro-transgranular fracture parameter

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    The micro-transgranular fracture calibration with a help of an efficient parallel numerical tool is demonstrated in this poster

    Conception et mise en oeuvre d'une plate-forme de pilotage de simltions numériques parallÚles et distribuées

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    Le domaine de la simulation numĂ©rique Ă©volue vers des simulations de phĂ©nomĂšnes physiques toujours plus complexes. Cela se traduit typiquement par le couplage de plusieurs codes de simulation, oĂč chaque code va gĂ©rer une physique (simulations multi-physiques) ou une Ă©chelle particuliĂšre (simulations multi-Ă©chelles). Dans ce cadre, l'analyse des rĂ©sultats des simulations est un point clĂ©, que ce soit en phase de dĂ©veloppement pour valider les codes ou dĂ©tecter des erreurs, ou en phase de production pour confronter les rĂ©sultats Ă  la rĂ©alitĂ© expĂ©rimentale. Dans tous les cas, le pilotage de simulations peut aider durant ce processus d'analyse des rĂ©sultats. L'objectif de cette thĂšse est de concevoir et de rĂ©aliser une plate-forme logicielle permettant de piloter de telles simulations. Plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment, il s'agit Ă  partir d'un client de pilotage distant d'accĂ©der ou de modifier les donnĂ©es de la simulation de maniĂšre cohĂ©rente, afin par exemple de visualiser "en-ligne" les rĂ©sultats intermĂ©diaires. Pour ce faire, nous avons proposĂ© un modĂšle de pilotage permettant de reprĂ©senter des simulations couplĂ©es et d'interagir avec elles efficacement et de maniĂšre cohĂ©rente. Ces travaux ont Ă©tĂ© validĂ©s sur une simulation multi-Ă©chelles en physique des matĂ©riaux.The numerical simulations evolve more and more to simulations of complex physical phenomena through multi-scale or multi-physics codes. For these kind of simulations data analysis is a main issue for many reasons, as detecting bugs during the development phase or to understand the dynamic of the physical phenomena simulated during the production phase. The computational steering is a technique well suited to do all this kind of data analysis. The goal of this thesis is to design and develop a computational steering framework that take into account the complexity of coupled simulations. So, through a computational steering client we want to interact coherently with data generated in coupled simulations. This afford for example to visualize on-line the intermediate results of simulations. In order to make this possible we will introduce an abstract model that enables to represent coupled simulations and to know when we can interact coherently with them. These works have been validated on a legacy multi-scale simulation of material physics

    Implementation of a parallel finite-element library: test case on a non-local continuum damage model

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    This paper presents an efficient method to implement a damage law within an explicit time-integration scheme, in an open-source object-oriented finite-element framework. The hybrid object/vector design of the framework and implementation choices are detailed in the special case of non-local continuum damage constitutive laws. The computationally demanding aspect of such constitutive laws requires efficient algorithms, capable of using High Performance Computing (HPC) clusters. The performance of our approach is demonstrated on a numerically and physically challenging 3D dynamic brittle-fragmentation test case. An almost perfect scalability is achieved on parallel computations. The global dynamics and energy terms are in good agreement with classical cohesive models’ predictions

    Toward a Computational Steering Environment for Legacy Coupled Simulations

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    In this paper, we present an abstract model to steer legacy coupled simulations that follow the Multiple-SPMD paradigm or the client/server paradigm. This model extends our previous work for the steering of classical SPMD simulations. It describes the application in terms of execution flow, complex distributed data objects and user interactions. Thanks to this abstraction, we define a coordination algorithm that allows us to efficiently interact with the simulation and to overcome the time-coherence problem raised by coupled simulations. 1